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Q: What do carnivorous plants obtain from animals bodies?
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yes ,, deffo

What do plants and animals eat that are the same?

Flies and small insects Carnivorous plants and small carnivorous animals

Do carnivorous animals eat plants?

No, they do not.

What are the differences between carnivorous and vegetarian animals?

Carnivorous- eats meat Herbivore- eats plants Omnivore- eats both plants and animals

Do carnivorous plants have a heart?

No, Carnivorous plants are plants no matter what! They don't think to catch prey, they do it naturally. If they had a heart, they would be animals!

What plants and animals raised in Kenya?

Most carnivores and carnivorous plants.

What are carnivorous vegetables?

Carnivorous plants are not vegetables. These plants absorb spiders, frogs and other small animals and in themselves are not edible.

How do carnivorous plants obtain water?

Through photosynthesis, like any other plant.

How do plants and animals obtain their food?

Plant obtain their food from the sun. The process is called photosynthesis. Animals obtain their food from animals or plants.

How do carnivores get their antioxidants to stay healthy?

Carnivorous people don't really exist, every meat eating person consumes some sort of plant-based foodstuff, where they get plenty of antioxidants. Carnivorous animals tend to have different nutritional requirements than humans. Humans are one of the few animals that do not produce their own form of Vitamin C and need to obtain it through their diet. Carnivores can obtain what antioxidants they do need from the trace amounts found in the bodies of herbivores who consume antioxidant-rich plants.

Why plants dont have digestive system like human?

plants are producers . they obtain their nourishment from photosynthesis . they do not need digest food . the plant pipe and mistleotoe live as parasites . carnivorous plants utilize animals to provide nitrogen . they get no energy from their prey .

Why are carnivorous plants not animals?

they have cell walls, roots, and other features seen only in plants.