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Arctic animals have excellent insulation to stop their body heat from escaping. They may have dense hair, fur or feathers, or have a think layer of fat or blubber

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Q: How do animals that live in the north stay warm?
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Clod blooded animals have blood that changes temperature with the envioronment in which they live in. Warm blooded animals have blood that stay the same temperature all their life.

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not all of them can You are probably confusing warm blooded with cold blooded. Warm blooded animals can live just about anywhere, but cold blooded animals can only live in areas they can keep warm, otherwise they die.

What animals use their fur to keep warmer and why do they needed to warmer?

animals fur keeps them war because its thivk and keeps their skin warm. a lot of animals need to stay warm (like polar bears) because of the habitat they live in or because of the weather. if ceratin animals didnt have fur, they would die. some animals can go without fur (like snakes and lizards) but need to stay in warm places/habitats/weather etc :)

What is the diffrent from a cold blooded then a warm blooded?

the difference is warm blood controls their body temp cold blood doesnt

How do warm-blooded animals stay warm?

warmblooded animals keep warm by generating their own heat when they are in a cooler environment.

What is blubber in animals?

Blubber is fat. Fat acts as an insulator under the skin that keeps animals, especially marine life that live near the north and south poles, warm.