

How do atoms move around?

Updated: 9/25/2023
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8y ago

Best Answer

Electrons circling around the nucleus provide momentum therefore allowing the atoms to move around randomly.

Here is a long answer pulled up from the internet with the original question "Do atoms move?" It provides some aspects to the answer you want to your question:

Yes. Atoms are in constant motion.

In an atom, electrons in motion around the nucleus possess orbital angular momentum in addition to their spin, while the nucleus itself possesses angular momentum due to its nuclear spin. The magnetic field produced by an atom-its magnetic moment-is determined by these various forms of angular momentum, just as a rotating charged object classically produces a magnetic field. However, the most dominant contribution comes from spin.

Also, the motion of atoms on a non-quantum level is referred to as thermal energy. A part of thermal energy is Internal energy - the sum of all microscopic forms of energy of a system. It is related to the molecular structure and the degree of molecular activity and may be viewed as the sum of kinetic and potential energies of the molecules. Since any amount of thermal energy can be expressed in degrees of temperature, the only time that molecular motion stops is if you reach 'absolute zero'. (−273.15 C or −459.67 F)

Absolute zero is the lowest possible temperature where nothing could be colder, and no heat energy remains in a substance. Absolute zero is the point at which molecules do not move (relative to the rest of the body) more than they are required to by a quantum mechanical effect called zero-point energy. It is a theoretical limit and cannot be achieved with the current technology available.

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Optical Tweezers can only be useful on individual atoms. What they are is steerable beams of light used to move atoms around.

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Yes but remember that metals such as iron the forces between the atoms are stronger so it is more difficult for the atoms to move around.

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Unless an object is at Absolute Zero temperature, its atoms are in constant movement, either vibrating in a solid, or bouncing around in liquid or gas. Energy excites atoms. Excited atoms move faster. Any object above Absolute Zero is said to have SOME heat. The faster an objects atoms are moving, the higher its temperature is said to be.

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Gas is a collection of gas phase particles that move around freely. The gas phase particles are ions, molecules or atoms.

Does temperature effect the brightness of a glowstick?

Yes it is. If you put a activated glow stick in hot water the atoms in a glow stick will start to move around. The plastic will expand letting the atoms move. When the atoms move they create energy, energy equals bright light. If you were to put the activated glow stick in room temperature water it would not be as bright. The atoms will stay the same. If you were to put a activated glow stick in cold water the atoms won't move. They will huddle together. No movement means no energy which means no brightness. You are welcome :)

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