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a little bit like swan with a hint of vaseline and crayon if u dont know wot crayon and vaseline taste like try them and if u dont know wot swan tastes like try lavalamp

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Q: How do badgers survive with there sense of taste?
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How do animals use their sense of taste to survive?

Please see the related link below for such information.

How do you sense taste?

You have taste buds in your mouth that make it possible for you to sense taste.

What is the science name for the sense of smell?

Flavor and taste buds can be used when referring to sense of taste. Sense of taste can also be referred to as your taste buds. Taste buds can be used in place of the term, sense of taste.

Cells that provide for sense of taste?

sense of smell

Do outside odors effect the sense of taste?

Sense of taste is largely affected by the sense of smell. So outside odors will positively or negatively affect the sense of taste.

How does your sense of tast affect your sense of smell?

Smell is an important part of taste. without smell you would not taste anything. So if you don't have a sense of smell you won't have the sense of taste eather.

What are nerve endings of the sense of taste commonly called?

"Taste buds" is the common name for the nerve endings for the sense of taste.

Is your sense of taste affected by your sense of smell?


What is gustation a sense of?

Gustation is the sense of taste.

Do rabbits have a good sense of taste?

Yes. Thier sense of taste is just like ours.

How do sense organs help you survive?

because, if you could not see ,hear ,touch ,taste ,or smell anything you could not indicate what something is find an object or thing!

What sense is your sense of taste?

Your sense of taste is one of the 5 human senes. It allows us to know- through the taste buds on our tongue- what things.. well, taste like. It lets us determine it's flavor.