

How do birds store eggs inside themselves?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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They don't. Once the egg has developed to a certain stage, the egg is laid in the nest.

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Why do birds have to keep their eggs a certain heat?

When birds lay eggs they usually sit on them and keep them warm. Just like when a human is pregnant, our baby stays warm inside our body. If we freeze to death outside, our baby would die. If the eggs aren't kept at the temperature of the parents they wont be warm enough and they baby birds will not grow inside.

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Of course they lay eggs, they're birds ! did you not learn anything in Biology ?

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Birds don't have live young; they lay eggs.

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Crows lay eggs just like any other bird. They lay it in a nest and when its time the eggs will crack and hatchlings will come out.

Are ducks born from eggs or do they have live birth?

The fertilized egg develops after it's laid. The developing embryo grows inside the egg until it's grown enough to hatch out. The egg contains a tiny air-sac to allow the baby duck to take a breath while it fights to break the shell. The babies are alive inside the egg.

Do mallard ducks have to sit on their eggs?

All birds have to incubate their eggs, keeping them at a certain temp and turning them so the chicks won't stick to the inside of the eggs. Some birds cover their eggs to keep them warm when they are away, but most just use their own body heat

Do birds lay eggs or not?

yes birds lay eggs

What birds are not laying eggs?

All birds lay eggs.

How does a bird have babies?

Male and female birds mate, and the male places sperm inside the body of the female. This fertilizes the eggs being formed inside the body of the female bird. When they are formed, the female lays the eggs in a nest, keeps them warm with her body until they hatch into baby birds.

When do hummingbirds lay eggs?

the humming birds are eggs because it is a bird All of the kind of birds is hatched from eggs