

How do blue stars differ from the red stars?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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Blue stars are hot, and red stars are cold. You'd think it would be the other way around, but weirdly enough, it's not.

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Q: How do blue stars differ from the red stars?
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How do the blue star differ from the red star?

Blue stars are the hottest and brightest, whereas red tend to be the coolest

Which is cooler the blue stars or the red stars?

Red stars are cooler than blue stars

How do the blue stars differ from the red stars?

Blue stars are the hottest and brightest, but have a shorter life span and they convert all their fuel rapidly. Red stars are cooler and tend to use their fuel more slowly, give off less light, heat and other radiations.

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The temperature of the star and the amount of hydrogen and helium remaining

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Red stars can be smaller or larger than blue stars as there are two types of red star. Red dwarfs are much smaller than blue stars while red giants are much larger than blue stars.

Why are stars differ in colors?

The color depends on the star's temperature. For example, a blue star is hotter than a red star.

Are blue stars cooler than red stars?

No, blue stars are hotter than red stars. In other words, red stars are cooler. Think of it as fire. The red one is hot, but the blue flame is RAGING hot.

What does blue and red colors of stars when looking from afar mean?

Blue stars are hot. Red stars are cool.

What is the difference between red blue and white stars?

blue and white stars are hotter than red stars (and newer).

What color are small cool stars?

The large hot stars are typically called "blue-white" stars or also Blue Giants. Cooler large stars are called Red Giants.

Are blue-white stars the coolest?

No. Red stars are the coolest. Blue stars are the hottest.

Do red stars have higher surface temperatures than blue stars?

No. Red stars have the lowest surface temperatures while blue stars have the highest.