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They hunt and search for it, usually on the ground. They eat mainly bugs but also fruits.

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They compete with other birds for places to make nests.

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Yes, a male will do anything to catch a females eye.

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Q: How do bluebirds survive in their environment?
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Do bluebirds live in Maryland?

Yes. They live in New York where the environment is suitable.

How are bluebird trails helping them to survive?

They give many bluebirds a place to live at the same time. The population can increase because of the amount of bluebirds that can nest in that area.

How do bluebirds survive in the city?

They don't live in the city. They live in the country where there is more space.

Why are you surrounded by bluebirds?

Probably because your home as everything they need to survive and make nests. If you want to get rid you them take down a birdhouse or two as bluebirds like nesting in birdhouse.

How does the environment effect mountain bluebirds?

All animals live in the environment, in a niche of the environment called their habitat. Changes to the environment can destroy a habitat resulting in the species comprising that habitat to die out.

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Why are bluebirds called bluebirds?

Bluebirds are generally colored blue.

What is the term for the offspring of a bluebird?

Bluebirds normally deliver their young in the form of an egg. Should the brood survive incubation, they hatch; becoming hatchlings, then chicks. Then if they survive further, they become fledglings.

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To survive to their environment

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no organisms adapt to the environment to help them survive

How have Mountain bluebirds adapted to their environment?

Their blue color stands out from other birds.

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