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Q: How do carbon atoms become part of a plant?
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When carbon dioxide is taken into a plant what molecule does the carbon eventually become a part of?

Carbon goes to CarbohydrateOxide goes to Oxygen

54 carbon atoms how many can become part of glucose?

The formula for glucose is C6H12O6. This means that six carbon atoms can be found within one molecule of glucose, as well as twelve hydrogens and six oxygens. In, for example, photosynthesis, carbon dioxide is involved in a complex series of reactions that form glucose from those molecules, as well as from hydrogen atoms from water. If 54 molecules of carbon dioxide, and thus 54 atoms of carbon, were used in photosynthesis, nine molecules of glucose would be formed, thus meaning that all of the carbon atoms would become glucose. Therefore, all of the carbon atoms can potentially become part of glucose.

Are carbon atoms also called micromolecules?

No, but carbon is a part of nearly all macromolecules.

What molecules did the carbon atoms in the glucose become part of?

The carbon to form glucose in photosynthesis comes from CO 2 in the atmosphere. After the light reactions store energy in the form of ATP and NADPH, the Calvin cycle uses that energy in a multiphase process to form G3P (a pseudo-sugar) which goes on to become glucose.

When plants die they decay they bring carbon into soil?

True! The carbon that was in a plant becomes part of the soil when the plant dies and decomposes.

3 ways carbon atoms return to the nonliving part of the carbon cycle?

Cellular respiration, combustion, and decomposition.

Where does carbon sequestration occur?

Carbon sequestration is part of the carbon cycle, so it could be said that is where it occurs. The carbon cycle refers to the circulation of carbon atoms in the biosphere.

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What are three ways carbon atoms return to thr nonliving part of the carbon cycle?

Cellular respiration, combustion, and decomposition.

What bonds does carbon atoms tend to form?

Carbon will almost always form bonds with other carbon atoms, and that is part of what makes it such a useful element.