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cell phones make it easier to call for help during an emergency

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Q: How do cellphones improve the quality of life for people today?
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How did the people of old stone age improve quality of life?

they invented the wheel and they invented cuneiform, a type of writing (but its not used today).

What is true about social classes in Europe today?

Today, many people should improve their status!

How do aeroplane improve quality of life?

They have improved our quality of life today is because they help us go over sea's or go for a holiday but mostly for business and education.

How do cellphones affect children today?

Cellphones make kids addicted to them and run up bills. Cellphones can cause kids to become detached from family since they use them so much. However, cellphones can be useful during an emergency or when trying to figure out scheduling when you aren't around your child.

How cellphones effect ethnic and social behavior?

Cellphones can both positively and negatively impact ethnic and social behavior. They can enhance communication and connectivity among people from different ethnic backgrounds, but they can also lead to social isolation and reduced face-to-face interactions. Additionally, the use of cellphones can influence social norms and behaviors, such as etiquette in social settings.

How did cellphones affect peoples lives?

it now helps people in acsedents today. It also helps people to communicate today without using constant home phone and youll have to stay at home just to use you,re regular home phone.

Has the industrialization improved the quality of life for most people today?


What are some things people are trying to improve today?

people are trying to find cures for diseases that don't have a cure

What is the goal why martin cooper invented a cellphone?

The reason why we use cellphones today. To communicate better.

Uses and unuses of cell phone?

Today's cellphones have many features. Cellphones have the capability to receive calls away from home. Some cell phones offer texting as well as complete internet access.

Why is obesity sucn an issuc with young people today?

It's goal is to improve children's health and stop obesity

Are today's eighth grader smarter than an eighth grader in 1963?

Not really. People haven't evolved giant brains in just a few years. Kids back in 1963 knew how to do a lot more things than kids today, though. Kids today use their cellphones and computers for everything.