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1. Eyes can move and focus independently and view two different images at the same time.

2. Skin pigment cells can change color depending on temperature, mood, and during breeding. Basically they communicate with other chameleons through slight color changes.

3.They can shoot out their tongue nearly a foot out and catch an insect with incredible accuracy.

A behavioral adaption would be the manner in which the chameleon moves throughout vines and limbs. They move very slow, wavy, and precise so they appear to be leaves blowing in the wind. This makes them less less likely to be spotted by a predator.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

The chameleon lizard adapts to its environment with the help of camouflage, this helps them keeps safe and keep away from predators. Lizards also evolve to there environment (So they make small changes over a period of time).Chameleon lizard's use there claws for gripping thing that humans would find hard to hold.A chameleon lizards eye has a 360 arc vision around there body. They can move there eyes so quick to see predators or find there food.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Contrary to popular belief, chameleons do not change color to blend in to their environment. The color changes that take place are due to the attitude of the chameleon. Bright vibrant colors are usually displayed when trying to attract a mate or when another male is competing for territory or a mate. When chameleon are cold, they will turn a dark color to absorb as much of the sun's heat as possible.

Chameleons, like some other arboreol reptiles, rock back and forth when climbing through exposed branches or when they feel vulnerable to mimic the swaying leaves/twigs of a tree.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

chameleons adapt to their environment with the help of camouflage, that is to blend in with the surroundings

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βˆ™ 13y ago

because they change their skin colour to match their environment.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

A chameleon changes color depending on their surroundings due to preditors.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Chameleons adapt to their environment with the help of camouflage, which is so that they can blend into their surroundings.

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Q: How do chameleons adapt to survive in the desert?
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