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Allele frequency is altered by genetic drift,

natural selection, migration, mutation, or nonrandom mating.

This results in a change in genetic equilibrium

in a population that is evolving. Evolution leads

eventually to speciation.

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Q: How do change Genetic equilibrium lead to speciation?
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What event could lead to speciation according to the punctuated equilibrium theory?

A meteor strikes Earth.

What are three ways that can lead to speciation?

by natural selection, genetic drift and geographical isolation

Is it true Changes in the genetic equilibrium of a population can create a new species in a rapid burst of time?

Changes in genetic equilibrium can lead to speciation over longer periods of time, typically spanning thousands to millions of years. Rapid bursts of speciation, known as adaptive radiations, can occur in certain circumstances such as when a population undergoes rapid environmental changes, leading to the rise of multiple new species in a relatively short time span.

Does genetic drift lead to evolution?

Yes. Genetic drift-- the change in allelic frequencies of a population due to chance-- can play a major role in evolution. The effects of drift are most pronounced in small, isolated populations. Drift can bring alleles to fixation very quickly in such populations, and can lead to genetic differentiation between them, possibly contributing to speciation.

Natural selection is the only mechanism of evolution that will lead to?

Adaptive change and speciation.

What are three factors lead to speciation?

Genetic drift. MutationsNatural selection.Gene recombinationGene flow (immigration and emigration)

Divergence may lead to what?


How does geographic isolation lead to speciation and adaptive radiation?

Geographic isolation restricts gene flow between populations, leading to genetic divergence over time. This can result in the development of reproductive barriers, ultimately leading to speciation. When a new habitat becomes available to colonize, such as through geographic isolation, it can lead to adaptive radiation as different species evolve to exploit available resources in that new environment.

What would most likely increase the rate of speciation in a population?

Factors such as geographic isolation, environmental changes, genetic mutations, and selective pressures can increase the rate of speciation by driving populations to evolve separate traits or behaviors that lead to reproductive isolation.

What are three events that lead to speciation?

Separation, Adaptation, Division

Natural selection can lead to the formation of a new species which is called?

The development of a new species through evolution is called speciation.

What is a list of the advantages of sexual reproduction?

Greater genetic variety - which can lead to evolutionary change.