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Q: How do cheek cells reproduce more cells?
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Why are cheek cells different than the cell on your palm?

because cheek cells are part of an animal cell so it cannot be used and it is specialised whereas stem cells are part of a planet cell so it can be used a lot of times and it is not specialised

How is cheek cells similar to skin cells?

The cheek cells and skin cells are similar becuase they both are cells they are on the body.

Why are onion cells in a sheet and cheek cells individual units?

Due to the techniques of obtaining the samples, onion cells remain intact in the tissue, but because cheek cells are obtained by rubbing a toothpick on your cheek, you are disrupting the cheek tissue, and instead of getting a sheet of cheek cells, you get individual cheek cells.

What is the shapes of cheek cell?

Cheek cells are usually oval-like cells, with more defined edges. They could resemble a square with rounded sides.

Human cheek cells are epithelial cells which are highly specialized for protection List some of the functions that these cells cannot carry out?

Human cells reproduce by making a copy of itself and then splitting itself in to two different new cells.

What are two important ways that muscle cells differ from cheek cells?

It has more mitochondria.

Do cheek cells have vacuoles?

Cheek cells usually have a vacuole. The cheek cells are part of the human cells and are therefore classified as animal cells which usually have vacuoles.

Why are cheek cells replaced?

Why do cheek cells need to be constantly replaced?

What cell parts did you find in the onion cell but not in the cheek cells?

The onion cells are much more rectangle shaped, than the cheek cells and the nucleus in the onion cell is much more bigger and better seen in the microscope.

Are animal cheek cells the same shape as human cheek cells?


How do cheek cells know to be cheek cells?

they are able to be able to connect

Why do muscle cells contain more mitochondria than cheek cells?

Mitochondria are called the power-houses of the cell, because this is where cellular respiration occurs (where the energy is made). Muscle cells perform much more work than cheek cells do, and so require more mitochondria.