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Russell Portenoy, M.D.: It is important to distinguish the direct effects of chemotherapy as it circulates in the body from the long-term effect that can continue after the body has eliminated the chemotherapy through normal metabolic pathways. Most chemotherapy is eliminated from the body fairly quickly, and the fatigue that patients experience after treatment is a prolonged effect that continues long after the chemotherapy is gone. A person should not assume that feeling fatigued means that the chemotherapy is still in the body. As we said before, fatigue has many possible causes and the experience of severe fatigue should be evaluated so that these causes can be identified and treated.

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They may leave through liquid loss such as perspiration and urination.

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Q: How do chemotherapy drugs leave the body?
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It depends on the type of chemotherapy. My son was diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. His protocol called for several different chemo drugs to be administered intravenously. He also takes two types of chemo drugs in a pill form.

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I think you mean chemotherapy... its the treatment of cancer by drugs, chemo-chemicals/drugs therapy-treatment look it up on wikipedia

What products work best at masking drugs in the blood?

Nothing works. It takes time and not using. Depending on the drug it can take 60-90 days to leave the body. Some drugs never leave the body.