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There are hundreds of professing Christian denominations in the world. So, one would have to assume that they don't all see eye-to-eye on things relating to Jesus.

And this holds true regarding modern professing Christian beliefs about Jesus' relation to the promises God made to Israel.

Most modern professing Christians don't even know that Jesus Christ IS the Creator God of the Old Testament [John 1:3]:

"ALL THINGS WERE MADE BY HIM; and without Him was not any thing made that was made."

So, while this passage puts Jesus spot on as the very One who MADE the promises to Abraham, which were subsequently passed on to his great grandson, Israel [Jacob], through Isaac... too many modern Christians don't know this.

They believe, instead, that "Jesus' Father" was the "harsh God" of the Old Testament who screwed everything up for Israel by expecting them to obey the laws He laid on them -- and that Jesus had to come along, later, to "correct all the mistakes" His Father made, by "doing away" with His Father's unreasonable laws.

That's just the beginning of what the divided denominations of modern Christianity think regarding Jesus' relationship to the promises to Israel.

To some, the entire Old Testament isn't part of the Living Word of God any more, but is passe'... done away. They only carry the New Testament around... thus, negating any relationship.

In other words... modern professing Christianity has as many different beliefs about everything relating to Jesus as there are different denominations to offer them. There are literally hundreds of them.

The Bible, however, says of this relationship, that Jesus Christ, the Creator of all things, who established the covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob [Israel], is that He:

"...was a minister of the circumcision for the Truth of God, to CONFIRM THE PROMISES MADE UNTO THE FATHERS: and that the Gentiles might glorify God for His mercy..." (Rom.15:8-9).

This only serves to remind us that most of modern professing Christianity also don't know what promises Jesus made to Abraham... with the possible exception of something they heard someone say in church about "salvation." But the vast majority of them would be hard pressed to find it in the Old Testament.

Some would confess that there isn't a relationship. Others would stare at you, with a blank expression on their face, wondering what you're talking about.

No... modern professing Christianity isn't together on the answer to this question. And many, many others.

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After the coming of Jesus, covenant were now based on individual levels. But before then covenant were based on countries like Israel.

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Q: How do christians see Jesus Christ in relation to the promises made by god to Israel?
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