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Q: How do citizens benefit from an independent judiciary?
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Why is independent judiciary not necessary?

In the US, the independent judiciary is necessary.

Does India have Independent Judiciary?

Yes, India have a independent judiciary.

Briefly explain the independent of judiciary?

The independent of judiciary is the concept that the judiciary needs to be kept away from the other branches of government. It is vital and independent to the idea of separation of powers.

What legal system does Puerto Rico have?

It has an independent judiciary.

Is integrated and independent judiciary essential for India if so why?

yes as india's salient feature is to be independent

What was Independent judiciary in medieval Europe?

Independent judiciary was a fledgling idea in Medieval Europe. ?æWith the establishment of Habeas Corpus and the Magna Carta, the foundation was established for courts to be a separate entity.

Are the division of powers and independent judiciary the two important features of federal form of government?

YES , division of powers and independent judiciary the two important features of federal form of government

What does the US government and morocco government have in common?

both have an independent judiciary

Is Under the doctrine of the separation of powers the Judiciary should be independent from the Legislature and the Executive?


What is the government type for Puerto Rico?

It has a bicameral Legislature, an Independent Judiciary and a strong Executive.

What type of government does North Dakota have?

South Dakota's governmental structure is based on that of the Federal Government. South Dakota has a bicameral legislature, an independent judiciary and a strong executive branch.

What cause does the federal judiciary have jurisdiction over?

The cases that the federal judiciary have jurisdiction over were disagreements between two or more states and citizens rights to trial by jury.