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They dont need to eat

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Q: How do cnidarians cbtain nutrients?
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Do sponges or cnidarians have a gastovascular cavity?

No, they are from the Phylum Porifera.

What is cnidarians excretion?

The excretion process in Cnidarians is accomplished through diffusion. The waste flows out of the gastrovascular cavity after the nutrients go directly to the body.

How do nutrients move through the body?

By diffusion of nutrients from the digestive chamber. In some larger jellyfish there are some specialised cells in the mesoglea that transport nutrients to the outer cell wall. Colony cnidarians have connecting tunnels from the main digestive chamber

What are two types of cnidarians that are formed by colonies?

small cnidarians and big cnidarians

Do cnidarians have nerves?

cnidarians have no nervous system

Is a cnidarians invertebrates?

Yes, cnidarians are invertebrates.

What is the family for cnidarians?

The cnidarians are in the Kindom family

Symmetry of cnidarians?

Cnidarians have a radial symmetry.

Are earthworms cnidarians?

Nope - Cnidarians are marine creatures !

What is a Cnidarians such as a box jellyfish?

cnidaria(similar to cnidarians)

How do cnidarians reproduce.?

Cnidarians reproduce asexually and sexually

How protists are helpful amongst cnidarians?

They provide a habitat for Cnidarians