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Q: How do cnidarians is the tentacles?
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All cnidarians possess long extensions of the body called tentacles?

All cnidarians possess tentacles and are radially symmetrical. Most cnidarians are found in shallow water and are marine life.

What are the few organs that Cnidarians have?

Cnidarians have a mouth/anus, tentacles, stomach cavity, and skin.

What are the appendages in cnidaria?

Appendages in cnidarians are called tentacles . They are used in food capture and defense . Stinging cells are present in tentacles .

What does cnidarians use to get food to their mouth?

their tentacles

What is the armlike structure that surrounds a cnidarians mouth called?

what is the arm like structures surrounding the mouth of cnidarians

How do cnidarians eat?

Mainly through suspension feeding. Cnidarians use stinging tentacles (nomocytes) to capture their prey. Once the tentacles grab the food it is absorbed in the gastrovascular cavity (stomach) and taken in asnutrients.

What do cnidarians look like?

cnidarians are animals that look like plants and are found at the bottom of the ocean. they have tentacles that can sting you if you touch them

How many types of cnidarians are there in the world?

Cnidarians do not have legs. Many have stinging tentacles. The number of these varies by species.

What are the 2 types of body structures of cnidarians?

Stinging cells ,tentacles .

What structure are the stinging cells of cnidarians located?

The stinging cells of cnidarians, called cnidocytes, are located on specialized structures called nematocysts. These nematocysts are found on the tentacles of cnidarians and are used for defense and capturing prey.

What cnidarians that are motile?

By swimming using tentacles

What are the two forms of cnidarians?

Cnidarians come in two forms: a medusa has tentacles that hang down and polyps usually live attached to a surface.