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All cnidarians possess tentacles and are radially symmetrical. Most cnidarians are found in shallow water and are marine life.

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Q: All cnidarians possess long extensions of the body called tentacles?
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True or false All cnidarians possess long extensions of the body called tentacles?


What are the appendages in cnidaria?

Appendages in cnidarians are called tentacles . They are used in food capture and defense . Stinging cells are present in tentacles .

What is the armlike structure that surrounds a cnidarians mouth called?

what is the arm like structures surrounding the mouth of cnidarians

What are the fingerlike extensions with specialized stinging cells found on all cnidarians?

They're called cnidocytes. ^^

Why might stinging tentacles be advantageous for slow moving predators such as some cnidarians?

All Cnidarians have tentacles with stinging cells in their tips which are used to capture and subdue prey. In fact, the phylum name "Cnidarian" literally means "stinging creature." The stinging cells are called cnidocytes and contain a structure called a nematocyst.

What do cnidarians use there tentacles for?

Cnidereans have pressure-sensitive poison glands called nematocysts that are usually on their tentacles. When their [prey] touches these nematocysts, small "fangs" inject poison into the [prey]. The poison in the nematocysts can paralyze or even kill small animals. Once the prey is subdued, the tentacles pull the prey towards the mouth.

What are three characteristics that all have in common?

All cnidarians live in water, have tentacles with specialized stinging cells called nematocysts, and have an internal sac for digestion which is called the gastrovascular cavity.

What do cnidarians use to defend themselves?

cnidarians have stinging cells called nematocysts located on their tantacles

What are three characteristics that all cnidarians have in common?

All cnidarians live in water, have tentacles with specialized stinging cells called nematocysts, and have an internal sac for digestion which is called the gastrovascular cavity.

Cnidarians are members of the phylum?

Cnidarians are members of the phylum Cnidaria. They are a diverse group of animals that includes jellyfish, corals, and sea anemones. Cnidarians are characterized by their radial symmetry, specialized stinging cells called cnidocytes, and a basic body plan with a central mouth surrounded by tentacles.

Cnidarians possess unique cells called cnidocytes that are important because?

they contain a long, barbed or sticky stinging thread used for capturing prey

What is a animal with arm like parts that are called tentacles?

Animals with tentacles include squid, octopuses, and jellyfish. Cuttlefish and Portuguese Man of War also have tentacles. Many people think starfish have tentacles, but these are actually true arms and legs.