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== == Collection account are 20% of the total credit score module.

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Q: How do collection accounts affect your credit score?
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Does updating collection accounts to a bankruptcy lower your credit score?

The fact of filing bankruptcy is already going to lower your credit score, and the point of bankruptcy, part of it anyway, is to resolve unpayable debt such as collection accounts. It is in your best interest to add the collection accounts to your bankruptcy, but if you consult your BK attorney, he is likely to advise you of this. The bankruptcy is the first next step in repairing your credit and improving your credit score.

Does a company credit when the company is the accounts payable and the card was issued by the company for business expenses affect your personal credit score?

If none of your legal information is attached to the card (SSN for example) then the answer is No it will not affect your presonal credit score.

Can having too many charge accounts or closing extra accounts negatively affect your credit score?

if you have too many open accounts and owes money, it does affect your credit score. your debt ratio is too high, and you will have difficult time applying for any kind of loans. when closing your accounts, and they are paid off. at first, it will lower your credit score, then will incrase following month or two. asian623

If you close open accounts will your credit score go up?


If you settle for a lesser amount due from a collection agency will it have a negative affect on your credit report?

Any collection account on your credit report is considered a derogatory listing regardless of status (unpaid, paid or settled). All accounts of this type have a negative impact on your score depending on when they are last reported/updated. Since settlement is paying less than the full amount due, this is obviously seen as less favorable than paying in full. But, once again, it is the date last reported that impacts the score.

Related questions

Does your age affect your credit score?

No, but your credit history accounts for about 15% of your credit score.

If you settle a chargeoff or collection does this increase your credit score?

Yes! I settled 2 collection accounts and my score stayed exactly the same.

Does updating collection accounts to a bankruptcy lower your credit score?

The fact of filing bankruptcy is already going to lower your credit score, and the point of bankruptcy, part of it anyway, is to resolve unpayable debt such as collection accounts. It is in your best interest to add the collection accounts to your bankruptcy, but if you consult your BK attorney, he is likely to advise you of this. The bankruptcy is the first next step in repairing your credit and improving your credit score.

How does an eviction affect your credit score?

The eviction will not necessary affect your credit score, but you owe money that will be the entry that will affect the score. The eviction is a public record, searchable from a database but the funds owned is what affect your credit score especially if it is turned to a collection agency.

How would a collection of 230 affect a person with 50000 in available credit and 730 score?

Your credit score can be decreased by having collection accounts listed, a judgment, late payments or if you have too much available credit. If you have that much credit, you would want to contact the credit issuer to lower your credit limit. Your debt should never be more than 35% of the available credit. Timely, consistent payments to your creditors and low credit limits will help increase your credit score.

Does a company credit when the company is the accounts payable and the card was issued by the company for business expenses affect your personal credit score?

If none of your legal information is attached to the card (SSN for example) then the answer is No it will not affect your presonal credit score.

Can having too many charge accounts or closing extra accounts negatively affect your credit score?

if you have too many open accounts and owes money, it does affect your credit score. your debt ratio is too high, and you will have difficult time applying for any kind of loans. when closing your accounts, and they are paid off. at first, it will lower your credit score, then will incrase following month or two. asian623

How does a collection affect your credit score?

A collection can drop your score dramatically and may make it impossible to get a new loan. It is important to take care of the collection account since it will be removed from your credit report seven years after it is paid, but can stay on indefinitely if not.

Will closing your checking and saving accounts to open checking and savings accounts with another bank affect your credit rating?

No credit reports only report debt not assets. Checking and saving account information does not appear on credit reports so will not affect your credit score.

Will closing lines of credit affect your credit score if you have no debt?

How can you have "good credit"???????? IF you don't have any "credit". Closed accounts are CLOSED, NOT AVAILABLE, ONCE HAD, IN THE PAST, NOT CURRENT CREDIT, ETC.

If you have bad credit will it affect the credit score of your spouse?

Your credit standing alone won't affect your spouse's credit. The only way your spouse's credit would be affected along with yours is if you jointly hold accounts and then fail to pay them.

Does closing cards yourself affect credit score?

Yes, closing old accounts negatively impacts your credit score because it shortens your length of history which makes up 15% of your credit score. Keep you old credit cards open, even if you don't use them.