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They contain mitochondria which stores light energy as food, also through the use of chlorophyll (a green pigment).

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Q: How do colorful leaves make their food?
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How do colorful leaves produce food for the plant?

The leaves are still able to make food even if they are colors other than green.

What part of the carrot makes it food?

It is the leaves. The leaves get water and make food from that. MConnor

Where plants make their food?

the chloroplasts make food (nectar) in their leaves

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What are 2 adjectives for leaves?

Colorful and decayed

What parts of a tree make food?

the leaves make the food for the tree by photosynthesis

What makes food for a plants?

Leaves make food for the plant but roots collect nutrients to basicly help make the food - but the proper answer would be leaves... <--- stumped me tpuri porugfiogh;silghio;srgksnhsd

Why do leaves make food instead of stems?

food and water

How does a tree make food when its leaves are fallen down?

When a tree is bare of leaves it is dormant and is not making food.

Why do leaves need to carry photosynthesis?

Leaves need to carry photosynthesis in order to make food. The sun's rays give the leaves energy to make chlorophyll, which is the food they eat.

Name 3 things green leaves use to make food?

give me three things that green leaves use to make food

What adjectives describe autumn leaves?

colorful, fallen