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Q: How do complement protein different from antibodies?
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How are antibodies and complement related?


Which nutrient makes up antibodies?

Antibodies aren't made up of nutrients exactly, but are made of protein (different in structure from the protein you eat).

In addition to IgC the antibodies that can fix complement are?

IgG and IgM can fix complement by activating the C3 protein at the end of the complement cascade allowing ADCC (antibody dependent cell- mediated cytoxicity) to occur. I have never heard of an IgC antibody. In humans there are only 5 classes of antibodies: IgM, IgG, IgA. IgD & IgE.

What is a complement fixation?

Laboratory tests. a complement fixation (CF) test is based on.if antibodies are formed in the body in response to the illness, then the antigen and the antibody will form complexes.The serum complement fixation.confirms the presence of antibodies.

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What is a complement fixation test?

Laboratory tests. a complement fixation (CF) test is based on.if antibodies are formed in the body in response to the illness, then the antigen and the antibody will form complexes.The serum complement fixation.confirms the presence of antibodies.

Antibodies can stick to?

Antibodies stick to any viruses or infections. They don't attack, but they are like homing devices. They track the diseases so white blood cells (the attackers) know where the diseases are.

What plasma proteins are complement proteins?

Complement proteins are a series of immune proteins that carry out complement cascade reactions. These proteins are helping the immune system to lean up from the cells. complement proteins are not antibodies.

What are lymphocytes that produce antibodies to destroy microorganisms called?

complement fixation

What combines with antibodies to dissolve foreign cells?

complement system cells

What does complement do?

Complement plays several functions in immunity. It can poke holes in bacteria, kill bacteria that are first targeted by antibodies, or, working with antibodies, point out which bacteria need to be engulfed by white blood cells.

What is a complement system designed to do?

Be sure at the outset to get your mind around the idea that the complement system is a set of over 20 different protein molecules always found in the blood.