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Q: How do conductors and insulators transfer heat?
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Why some of the materials are insulators?

They are bad conductors ,they do not allow heat transfer.

Are insulators good conductor of heat?

Insulators are the complete opposite of conductors. Insulators insulate the heat, but conductors let it pass straight through.

Does a conductor transfer heat?

does a conductor transfer of heat Basically, when it comes to conducting heat, not all substances are created equal. Metals and stone are considered good conductors since they can speedily transfer heat, whereas materials like wood, paper, air, and cloth are poor conductors of heat. ... Materials that are poor conductors of heat are called insulators

Which is not a good conductor of heat?

elements with low thermal conductivity are called insulators. they cannot transfer heat in an efficient way. they are not good conductors.

What are heat conductors and heat insulators?

the substances that allow heat to pass through them easily are called heat conductors. the substances that do not allow heat to pass through them easily are called heat insulators. ruchi

Differences between conductors and insulators?

Conductors let energy (such as electricity and heat) flow through them easily while insulators do not.

Are metals conductors or insulators?

In general, metals are good conductors of heat and electricity.

What materials do not transfer heat easily?

An insulator is a material that does not allow a transfer of electricity or heat energy. Materials that are poor thermal conductors can also be described as being good thermal insulators. Feather, fur, and natural fibers are all examples of natural insulators

Materials through which heat can flow easily are called?

A conductor easily Transmits heat and electricity. A conductor can include: Copper, some metals, metalloids, and more. ! - The Silver Fox.

What is the similarities between conductors and insulators?

Conductors and insulators are different and simalar in many ways.Two ways they are simallar are they both have electrons and have something to do with electricity.Three ways they are different that conductors let heat and electricity go through it .On the other hand insulators do not let heat or electreicity go through it easily.Another way is conductors transfer eelectrons easily but meanwhile the insulator psses on electrons with difficulty.One last thing is that conductors are not current but insulators are current. HOPE I HELPED YOU

What is another word for poor conductors of heat and electricity?

These are called insulators.

Are humans conductors or insulators?

humans are not insulators, but are conductors!