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These are called insulators.

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Q: What is another word for poor conductors of heat and electricity?
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Are poor conductors of heat poor conductors of electricity?


Is a poor conductors of electricity and heat?


What distinguishes nonmetals from metals?

metals are shiny and good conductors of heat and electricity. Nonmetals are dull and poor conductors of heat and electricity.

What material does not allow light to pass through is a good conductor of heat but not a good conductor of electricity?

Non metals are poor conductors of heat and are not conductors of electricity , except for carbon , which is can conduct a little bit of electricity. Non metals are poor conductors of heat and are not conductors of electricity , except for carbon , which is can conduct a little bit of electricity.

What are some poor conductors of heat?

Poor conductors of heat are generally also poor conductors of electricity. These would include most gases, ceramics and man-made plastics. A vacuum will not conduct heat either.

Are non metals conducters?

they are poor electricity and heat conductors

What do poor conductors have trouble doing?

Conducting electricity or heat.

Elements that are poor conductors of heat and electricity are?

All Non-Metals are poor conductor of electricity.

What group of elements are poor conductors of heat and electricity?

most non ferrous materials are poor conductors with exceptions

Elements that are poor conductors of heat and electricity and break easily are called?


Is it true that nonmetals are good conductors of heat and electricity?

Some nonmetallic materials are good conductors, graphite being an example. In this form, it is considered a semi-metal for that reason. Normally, however, nonmetals are not good electrical conductors.

Why conductors conduct heat and electricity while insulators are known as poor conductors?

Conductors conduct heat and electricity well because they have delocalised electrons in their structure. Insulators, on the other hand, do not have delocalised electrons and therefore do not conduct heat and electricity as a conductor, although they do conduct to some extent.