

How do conflict diamonds effect people?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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People who mine conflict diamonds can be killed for a whim; conflict diamonds fund mayhem, war, civil unrest and other inhumane activities.

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Q: How do conflict diamonds effect people?
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Related questions

How is a conflict diamond extracted?

Conflict diamonds are usually mined by people digging in the soil.

Are conflict diamonds sold in the US legally?

Conflict diamonds from Liberia and Sierra Leone are barred from import by executive orders. It is difficult to identify conflict diamonds conclusively meaning that some diamonds sold int he US may very well be conflict diamonds.

How are conflict diamonds obtained?

Conflict diamonds are usually mined by humans digging in the soil.

How do conflict diamonds affect cultures?

Conflict diamonds can destroy, dismember and dismantle cultures.

Are blood diamonds and conflict diamonds the same thing?

Yes blood diamonds and conflict diamonds are the same thing. They can also be called converted diamonds, war diamonds or hot diamonds. Hopefully this answered your question.

How did conflict diamonds effect the diamond market around the world?

Conflict diamonds are diamonds generally found on the ground or rivers. The problem is that in areas of rebellion or high crime, the bad guys used the money from selling these raw stones to finance their crimes or rebellions. There are estimates indicating that conflict or blood diamonds were never more than 5% of the diamonds in the world. Now they are less than 1%. Why? The Kimberly Process. You can read more about the Kimberly Process, below.

Do Swarovski earrings have conflict free diamonds in them?

Swarovski earrings are not real diamonds, therefore there is no concern about conflict free diamonds. Swarovski jewelry is made from crystals, not diamonds.

Who does blood diamonds effect?

Blood diamonds mainly affect the people of Africa. The diamonds are used to fund wars and terrorism. Millions of deaths are linked to the blood diamonds.

How many people die in Africa over conflict diamonds?

Billions of ppl hav been slaughtered by others forcing them to search for diamonds

Who used the conflict diamonds?

According to "Conflict diamonds are diamonds illegally traded to fund conflict in war-torn areas, particularly in central and western Africa." You can read more, below.

How is UK related to conflict diamonds?

From HM Revenue & Customs site, below: "With effect from 1 February 2003 the UK along with the rest of the European Community will be introducing the Kimberley Process." In sum, this means that conflict diamonds are not allowed past UK customs.

How are conflict diamonds formed?

Conflict diamonds are formed like any other diamond: deep within the earth's mantel under extreme pressure and ultra high heat. It's only when humans become involved in the 'business of diamonds' that diamonds are labeled as conflict diamonds.