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Q: How do consumers obtain nutrients?
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How do and consumers obtain energy?

PRODUCERS: Producers obtain their food through a process called photosynthesis. The producer use sunlight, H20, CO2 and nutrients in the soil to create food (sugars and starches) and O2. CONSUMERS: Consumers obtain their food by consuming other organisms.

How do the consumers obtain these nutrients?

Every time a consumer eats a producer or another consumer it gets 10% energy of it.

What do primary consumers do in an ecosystem?

They consume the plants (producers) and obtain the most amount of nutrients and energy and then get eaten by the secondary consumers who obtain a little less energy since it is being passed down a line. Cows would be a primary who consumers grass that obtained energy and nutrients through photosynthesis and then we eat the cow (secondary) and gain what was left from the grass after the cow ate it and spent energy

How do consumers obtain nitrogen?

Plants take in nitrogen from their roots then the consumers eat the plants.

How producers consumers and decomposers obtain energy?

producers obtain energy from water and sunlight, consumers obtain energy from producers and decomposers obtain energy from comsumers.

Where can you find the nutrients used by the producers and consumers?

the nutrients used by consumers are:CarbohydratesProteinsFatsVitaminsMineralsCalciumIronThe producers use minerals from the soils like nitrogen etc.....

How do consumers get energy and nutrients?

by eating food

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What do Consumers obtain energy by eating what and other consumers?

THey obtain energy by eating consumers and producers.

How do producers and consumers obtain energy?

PRODUCERS: Producers obtain their food through a process called photosynthesis. The producer use sunlight, H20, CO2 and nutrients in the soil to create food (sugars and starches) and O2. CONSUMERS: Consumers obtain their food by consuming other organisms.

What Ways plants fungi and animals obtain nutrients?

Everything needs some sort of nutrients to live. Fungi get their nutrients from photosynthesis, plants do the same and obtain it from the roots, animals obtain their nutrients from eating plants, and other animals.

What organism must obtain nutrients?

All organisms need nutrients.