

How do crabs give birth?

Updated: 10/20/2022
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14y ago

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crabs give birth like humans - when there waters break, they push the baby crab out of the vaginal area. If the mum crab wants more babies then they can jave sexual intercourse with the daddy crab to produce more babies.

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No. Crabs are crustaceans.Mammals have fur or hair, are warm blooded, give birth and have an internal skeleton..Crustaceans are cold blooded, lay eggs and have an external skeleton (shell).

Are crabs mammals or fish?

Neither. Crabs are crustaceans.Mammals have fur or hair, are warm blooded, give birth and have an internal skeleton.Fish are cold blooded, lay eggs, have scales, have gills and have an internal skeleton.Crustaceans are cold blooded, lay eggs and have an external skeleton (shell).

When hermit crabs give birth do they die?

Yes, they are like Salmon, once they do release their young, this chemical reacts inside them, making them die.

Do hermit crabs go through live birth or eggs?

Hermit crabs lay eggs in the ocean.

When will your hermit crab give birth?

It won't. Hermit crabs don't get pregnant. They lay eggs. They need ocean and beach conditions to do it, so they do not reproduce as pets.