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Not sure what you mean by "How do Creationists read the Bible."

I will attempt to answer what I think you mean, I'm a creationist.

I believe God spoke the entire universe (all of them) into existence.

That includes you and me. God is so powerful He can control

anything and everything, yet have time for you and me. He did it

in a matter of six days. Shows how powerful He is. Does this

answer your question?

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Read The Bible?

Yes, read the bible. Its a good thing to do :)

How you do say 'to read the Bible' in French?

To read= Lire The = La Bible = Bible = lire la Bible. Then again, it depends on what "read" means... If it is "study", then : étudier la Bible.

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You can read the bible legally in Africa.

How many pages does The Creationists have?

The Creationists has 624 pages.

Where can you find the old gospel song read your bible by a ...?

I don't know who sings it, but I can remember some of the words: I know my bible is right, something else is wrong (something is wrong) Something else is wrong (something is Wrong) Oh, something else is wrong (something is wrong) I know that (something else is wrong) In Genesis (read your bible) the world was made (read your bible) By my God's creative hand (creative Hand) In Exodus, the Hebrews marched (they wanted to claim the promised Land) Maybe someone else can remember more of it.... continuing "Read Leviticus(read your bible), Numbers(read your bible), Deueteronomy (read your bible), Joshua (read your bible), Read Judges( read your bible), Ruth (read your bible), 1st and 2nd Samuel (read your bible ), 1st and 2nd Kings (read your bible), 1st and 2nd Chronicicles ... The Bethlehem Gospel Singers "My Bible Is Right", you can find on you tube.