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they don't.

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Q: How do crickets live so long?
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Do crickets get live babies or they have eggs?

Crickets lay eggs, but if they are left too long they can sometimes be eaten.

Do crickets live in deserts?

Yes, crickets live in deserts.

What 2 variables will effect how long the crickets live?

Food and water, of course.

What are the brown furry worms in the crickets are they dangerous to my bearded dragon and also do you always get them in live crickets?

They are baby crickets and You usually her them in live crickets

Where do crickets the insect live?

Crickets live in warm, damp places

Do crickets live in ponds?


Do crickets live with other crickets?

they don't live with any other bugs just them self or other crickets.

Do crickets live in Odessa Texas?

Yes, crickets live in Odessa, Texas.

Do crickets live in colonies?

No, crickets live solitary lives.

Do crickets like the heat?

Yes! They do, crickets live outside at all different temps. So they must like room Temp.

How do crickets live in the grass and not get stepped on?

crickets are smart

What types of crickets live in CA?

field crickets