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because it funny

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Q: How do cross bridge power stroke bring about shortening of muscle contraction in human?
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Which Muscle movement in myosin heads of the thick filaments pull on the thin filaments causing the thin filaments to slide toward the center of the sarcomere?

Flexing of the cross bridge (power stroke)

How is calcium used in muscle contraction?

Calcium binds to troponin, which moves the tropomyosin out of the way so that myosin can bind to actin; this ultimately causes a power-stroke.

The sliding filament mechanism of muscle contraction involves?

during contraction, the thin filaments slide past the thick filaments so that actin and myosin filaments overlap.

What is the treatment for flaccid muscles?

Fast ice stroking where 5 stroke in one minute.. from insertion to origin. Muscle belly tapping - Tap at the muscle belly to stimulate the muscle NMS - Using electrical stimulation to stimulate the muscle. Approximation Quick stretch -produce a relatively short lived contraction of the agonist muscle and short lived inhibition of the antagonist muscle. Q

The amount of blood pushed out of the ventricle with each contraction is called?


What is the only energy source that can be used to directly power muscle activity?

ATP (Adenosine Tri-Phosphate) binds to the myosin head in a sarcomere( the smallest unit of contraction in a muscle), which cocks the head into position for the power stroke which shortens the sarcomere, and thus the muscle pulls its insertion towards its origin.

What stroke uses the most muscle when swimming.?

your stomach muscle

How can gradation of skeletal muscle contraction be accomplished?

controlled output of action potentials, progressive recruitment of motor units, control of the rate of attachment/reattachment of actin and myosin heads and the power stroke rate

What are the most common symptoms you get AFTER a stroke?

The most common symptoms you get after a stroke are initial disabilities such as muscle problems.

The volume of blood ejected from each ventricle during a contraction is called the?

is the stroke volume

Why is there muscle weakness after a stroke?

When there is apparent muscular weakness after a diagnosed stroke, the problem typically is not with the muscle, but with interruption of the neural pathways that access the muscle in question. As the stroke has killed off some of the neural connections to that muscle or muscles, weakness will appear until (and if) a sort of "re-routing" occurs and neural pathways are established once more.

What is a heartbeat affected by?

The individual heartbeat, or contraction, can be modified by input from the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. This modification can include increased or decreased contraction ratios, increased or decreased stroke volume and increased or decreased rate of contraction.