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Q: How do cyclones change the land?
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Are tornadoes cyclones or anticyclones?

The answer is simple. No. Tornados are on land, while cyclones are in water.

Do tropical cyclones form over land?


Can cyclones hit over land?

Yes it can travel over earth

Does a cyclone start at the water?

Not necessarily. Although tropical cyclones can only form over warm ocean water, extratropical cyclones can form over land.

Do cyclones go in reverse?

Cyclones only turn in one direction, and do not change mid-cyclone. In the southern hemisphere, cyclones rotate in a clockwise direction. In the northern hemisphere, cyclones (known as hurricanes or typhoons, depending on their location) rotate in an anti-clockwise direction.

Where did the tropical cyclones form on land or in the ocean?

Tropical cyclones begin to form on water. The water must be at least 80 degrees fahrenheit and have a depth of 150 feet.

How do cyclones decrease the fertility of the soil in coastal areas?

It floods the land with saline water

What wind has the greatest speed hurricanes tornadoes land breezes or cyclones?

Tornadoes, by a considerable amount.

Where do cyclones occur the most?

Tropical cyclones are most likely to occur over warm and moist, (tropical) seas and oceans. they do move across seas and builds up, but when the cyclones hits the land it will slow down and will loose energy :) hope this helped :)

Does the land draw cyclones in?

No it does not. Many cyclone never hit land, but people usually don't hear about these storms as they do not have much in the way of significant impacts.

How do cyclones Travel?

Cyclones usually travel over ocean waters on an average of 300 to 400 miles a day. They are the most strongest then, but when they travel over colder ocean waters or land, they will begin to weaken.

What are cyclones called in Europe?

Cyclones in Europe are known as cyclones. They are not called hurricanes - this is a term generally reserved for cyclones in the Americas.