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Q: How do different surfaces affect the motion of a Matchbox car?
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What is the force that opposes the motion of two surfaces?

the force that opposes the motion of two touching surfaces is velocity.

Does friction oppose motion or relative motion of surfaces in contact?

Relative motion

Why does friction resist motion?

A friction is a force that acts in the opposite direction of a moving body. It acts at the meeting of two different surfaces. So friction always resists motion.

Which force motion decreases due to interaction between two surfaces?

Friction is the force that decreases motion through the interaction between two surfaces.

Will friction resist in motion with rough surfaces?

Yes, friction is the force of resistance against motion between two surfaces. The rougher a surface is the higher its friction coefficient.

What does is friction resists motion between?

Friction will resist the motion between two touching surfaces.

Is friction a force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching?

It's all about the motion of the objects relative to each other. If they are moving at exactly the same speed in exactly the same direction, they will not inhibit each other's motion. If the speed or direction differs, they will affect each others' motion through friction.

Is there a relation between inertia and friction?

Inertia and friction are related in the sense that friction opposes the motion of an object due to inertia. Inertia is the tendency of an object to resist changes in its state of motion, while friction is the force that opposes the relative motion of two surfaces in contact. The presence of friction can affect an object's motion by counteracting its inertia and slowing it down.

How does the motion of the gas molecules change?

Gas molecules change their motion when they bounce into the surfaces of their containers. If the surfaces absorb the impact, then energy is transfered out of the system and particle speed decreases.

Friction is caused by how many surfaces rubbing together?

Friction that is caused by the movement of two surfaces against each other is known as kinetic friction. This is different than static friction which is opposition to motion before the motion occurs.

A force that opposes motion between surfaces that are touching?


What the force that opposes the motion of two touching surfaces?

it is inertia