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Q: How do dinoflagellates and euglenoids different from other plantlike protists?
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In what ways are diatoms dinoflagellates and other plantlike protists similar to plants?

they can make photosynthesis to make thier own food.

Are all plantlike protists are always eutrophic?

Yes, all plant like protists are always eutrophic. This includes diatoms, and dinoflagellates. This is because they are all part of the algae family.

Are all plantlike protists always eutrophic?

Yes, all plant like protists are always eutrophic. This includes diatoms, and dinoflagellates. This is because they are all part of the algae family.

Do all plantlike protists have chloroplasts?

Plantlike protists are algae.They have chloroplast organells.

What does algae include?

It is plantlike, which means that protists are plantlike.

Why are so many other living things dependent on plantlike protists?

Because these plantlike protists make the basis of the food web.

Why is sunlight imporatnt to plantlike protists?

Sunlight is the source of the protists energy.

What class is algae in?

algae are plantlike protists

Protists that have plantlike characteristics are called?


What is the main taxonomic group to which Euglena belongs?

Euglenoids are flagellates, single celled organisms in the Kingdom Protista. Euglenoids belong to the domain eukarya. It doesn't have a cell wall but a protein coat. It as a paramylon carbohydrate reserve. There are 900 species. And it is found in fresh water, polluted and estuary habitats.

How are euglenoids similar to animal-like protists?

They are both heterotrophs.