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Q: How do divergent plates form Earth's crust?
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How do divergent boundaries of oceanic crust form islands?

Collisions of plates

What do the plates that form the earths crust float on?

There called tectonic plates, and they do not float on anything.

What are moving pieces under the earths surface that form the earths crust?

The answer is tectonic plates floating on the lithosphere. Does that answer your question? LOL :)

What cause ocean ridges to form?

earths crust causes it

How would you describe the plates that form earths crust rigid or half melted?


How do earthqukes form?

The earths crust is split into large pieces called plates. When they move they cause a earthquake.

What are two tectonic plates pulling away called?

Divergent plates. They form a divergent plate boundary.

What layer of the earth forms the earths plates?

Tectonic plates are floating on the magma (semi-molten rocks) of the mantle layer. Therefore, they form the crust layer of the Earth.

What can tectonic plates form when they divide?

When tectonic plates divide they create divergent boundaries, which can cause the earths surface to divide and split up, almost like when you rip a piece of paper

What two tectonic plates are pulling away pulling away?

Divergent plates. They form a divergent plate boundary.

What happens when plates meet?

Well I know when two plates collide the plates form a mountain and when they hit each other theres a crack on earths crust and a earth quake happens

Why Are Volcannoes Found Where They Are?

majority of valcanoes follow the edges of the tectonic plates, which are the weaker parts of earths crust, therefore volcanoes form durin the crust giving away to the pressure built up. other volcaoes form other places due to weak parts of earths crust