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Collisions of plates

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Q: How do divergent boundaries of oceanic crust form islands?
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What are divergent boundaries?

Divergent boundaries are areas where continental or oceanic plates are moving away from each other and creating new crust. Examples would be the Mid-Oceanic Ridge and the East African Rift Zone.

How is the Earth's crust created and destroyed?

It is created at mid-oceanic ridges (divergent boundaries) and it is destroyed at subduction zones (convergent boundary between oceanic crust and continental crust).

A geologic feature of divergent plate boundaries in oceanic crust is the formation of?

rift valleys

Where are the most plate bounderies?

Fault lines.

Do divergent boundaries everoccur between continental and oceanic crust?

yes because why they r separate they r together

What happens when divergent boundaries occur in the middle of the ocean?

A ridge with transverse faults is formed, where new oceanic crust (seafloor) is formed.

What happens when divergent boundaries occur in the middle of an ocean?

A ridge with transverse faults is formed, where new oceanic crust (seafloor) is formed.

Where is oceanic crust created?

New oceanic crust is created at the mid-oceanic ridges, a divergent plate boundary.

How are divergent and transform fault plates alike?

Divergent boundaries are when two plates move apart. Divergent Boundaries in the ocean is when the sea floor spreads as the oceanic plates move apart. This causes places like the oceanic ridge. Divergent boundaries on crust are when two pieces of crust move apart. This makes mountains and valleys. Transform Boundaries are formed when two plates shear against each other, like the San Andreas Fault in California. The only way they are alike is because both of them cause earthquakes.

Is melting of the mantle achieved by decreasing pressure at divergent plate boundaries?

Yes. Decompression melting occurs at divergent plate boundaries as pressure on the mantle material decreases due to the withdrawal of oceanic crust at spreading centers.

Is the crust formed or destroyed at a sliding boundary?

At convergent boundaries are boundaries the crust is destroyed by subduction of oceanic crust underneath continental crust or other oceanic crust.

Is the crust formed or destroyed at the sliding boundary?

At convergent boundaries are boundaries the crust is destroyed by subduction of oceanic crust underneath continental crust or other oceanic crust.