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The older you are, the less you can resist to them, same goes for the younger you are (Children).

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Q: How do drugs get stronger with age?
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What drugs make your muscles stronger?

none. drugs can never make anything stronger. you have to do that on our own.

Do Olympians use drugs?

Yes, Olympians use drugs to win, since drugs make you stronger.

What can a gateway drug lead to?

Stronger drugs.

What age groups use drugs?

All age groups are reported to use drugs.

How does drugs effect athletics?

Makes them stronger. Cause athletes don't like drugs that make them lazy. They only like drugs that make them stronger. Just look at Lance Armstrong, Mark McGuire or countless other athletes. All the top producers are drug users.

What is the legal age for taking drugs?

There is no legal age to take drugs. Hence the name "illegal drugs". It doesn't matter what age a person is, drugs are illegal unless prescribed by a doctor. Marijuana is legal medically in very few states and illegal for fun everywhere.

What age did Elvis start drugs?

Elvis Prelsey started useing drugs at the age of 20.

Why do they test athletes for drugs?

athletes are tested so they don't cheat for example certain drugs can make athletes stronger like barry bonds took a drug to make him stronger then he got a ton of home runs

What drugs will give a benzos an extra kick?

Cimetidine and/or grapefruit juice make benzo's (among many other drugs) have a stronger effect.

What drugs do some people take to make muscles stronger?

Some take steroids.

What age are the people who take drugs?

Well if your talking about legal drugs then people take it when their born, but if your on about Illegal drugs then children probably form the age of 12 start to take illegal drugs xx hope this will help

What age are you allowed drugs?

Since this is in the illegal drugs section, you are never allowed.....because the drugs in question are illigal. Hence, the illegal drugs section.