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Q: How do early art historians date art of the early middle ages?
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Does the middle ages come before the fourteenth century?

Yes. The 14th century was from 1301 to 1400, and what are probably the commonest dates for the Middle Ages are 476 to 1453. Other dates for the Middle Ages, such as from 1000 to 1492, still put the 14th century in them.

What wasThe period from about 400 AD to 1500 AD called?

The period from the late 5th century to 1500 is called the Middle Ages. It is subdivided into the Early Middle Ages (from the late 5th century to the 10th century) High Middle Ages (c. 1000-1300) and Late Middle Ages (1300-1500).

Who started the Middle Ages?

I don't think it is possible to point to a person, or even a group of people, and say they were responsible for starting the Middle Ages. Historians cannot even agree on the date the Middle Ages started. Most say it was 476 AD, but some say it was 410, or 517, or some other date.

A radical break between the middles ages and the early renaissance?

There was no clear break between the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. In fact most historians probably would say there was a period of 50 to 150 years when they overlapped. The most commonly used date for the end of the Middle Ages is probably 1453. Other very commonly used dates are 1485 and 1492. There are historians who use dates as early as 1401 and as late as 1516. Some historians use 1300 as a date for the beginning of the Renaissance, as it is an approximate date for the writings of Dante and the artwork of Giotto di Bondone. Other historians date the beginning of the Renaissance to 1401. We might be tempted to say 1401 was the date when one ended, and the other began, but the event that caused that year to be used was the awarding of a contract to build bronze doors for the Baptistery of Florence Cathedral, which might seem rather trivial compared to the fall of Constantinople or Columbus's first voyage.

What are the names and dates of the two periods that make up the Middle Ages?

The answer to this question depends more on where you are than anything else. Different historians give different ages and dates. The dates vary quite a lot, with the beginning of the Middle Ages variously given as 476, 500, 517 or some other date, usually in the 5th century. There is typically a date of 1000 or 1066 used as the middle, and the end in 1453, 1492, or some such. In the United States, the older histories call the period from 476 to 1000 the Dark Ages, and the period from 1000 to 1453 the Middle Ages. British historians may still use these dates. Later historians call the time from 476 to 1000 the Early Middle Ages, with the dates 1000 to 1300 being the High Middle Ages, and from 1300 to 1453 the Late Middle Ages. But we should remember that the experience of different countries is reflected in their dates and nomenclature. I have read that in Finland, the period of 1000 to 1453 is the Middle Ages, but the period before 1000 is called prehistory, because there are very few records of anything from before 1000 in Finland. There is a link below.

How many years since the Middle Ages ended?

The Middle Ages ended in the 15th century, with specific years for the end given differently by different historians. Probably the most common date given is in 1453, about 558 years ago.

Was polyphony used in the Middle Ages?

Yes, polyphony was used during the Middle Ages. We do not have any real idea of when polyphony was introduced, but the earliest texts describing it date to the Early Middle Ages. By the end of the Middle Ages, it was highly developed. There is a link below to an article on polyphony, beginning at the section on its origins.

What time period came after the middle ages?

The usual definition of the middle ages places it after the age of antiquity or ancient times. The date for beginning of the middle ages is variously placed at different years in the fifth century, perhaps with 476 being the most often used. There is a definition of the middle ages that places it as being after the dark ages, beginning the dark ages in the fifth century and the middle ages in the year 1000. Some historians regard this naming as old fashioned.

When was the start of the high middle ages?

The Middle Ages lasted 1000 years, from around the year 400 to 1400. This is the period of time that the Black Death decimated much of Europe.

Did Henry the Navigator live during the Middle Ages?

Yes, Henry the Navigator lived during the Middle Ages. His dates are March 4, 1394 to November 13, 1460. Different historians have different ideas about the date of the end of the Middle Ages, but 1453 seems to be most common. Other dates range from 1401 to 1516, and vary according to country. For example, UK historians often use 1485. The Middle Ages and the Renaissance overlap to some extent, with various authorities dating the beginning of the Renaissance as early as 1300 or as late as about 1401 or later. So Henry the Navigator also lived during the Renaissance.

What age lies between the classical age and the Middle Ages?

The commonest answer is probably that the Middle Ages began with the end of Classical Antiquity. Really, what lies between depends on viewpoint. The dates of these things are not fixed, and even the meanings of the terms vary according to who is using them. Perhaps the commonest view is that Classical Antiquity ended in 476 and the Middle Ages began the same year. Some historians have a different viewpoint (regarded as old fashioned by some) that Classical Antiquity ended in 476, the Middle Ages began in 1066, and the time between was the Dark Ages. Others regard the date 476 as invalid, pointing out that most people in the West Roman Empire were unaware of any change that year. Similar things could be said about the dates of the beginning and end of the Middle Ages. So some historians date the fall of the West Roman Empire and beginning of the Middle Ages as "5th century," without providing any more precise date.

When did the middle age start?

Probably the best answer is that the Middle Ages started in the 5th century. To pick a specific year, it might be best to choose 476 AD. There are very different answers to this question. Some historians have regarded the Middle Ages as a period after the Dark Ages. These people would give dates of 1000 AD or 1066 AD as the beginning of the Middle Ages. I think most historians would make the Middle Ages a period of about 1000 years from the 5th century to the 15th. They replace the term Dark Ages with Early Middle Ages. Some of these people simply say the Middle Ages started in the 5th century with a process that lasted many decades and cannot be dated. Others provide specific dates of specific events. I have seen dates ranging from the late 4th century to the early 6th century, but 476 is by far the one I see most often.