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They decompose animals and there castings give nutrients to the soil.

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12y ago

they eat mud and they once again release the mud b vomiting etc

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Q: How do earthworms enrich plant growth?
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Do earthworms affect plant growth?


How do earth storms enrich plant growth?

Earth storms enrich plant growth by watering the plants. Also storms move the earth around the plants which encourages mineral distribution.

How do earthworms help the environment?

Earthworms enrich the soil with their feces and allow air to get to the roots of plants.

Do earthworms effect plant growth?

Earthworm's poop or dung is like a super fertilizer.

Will earthworms hurt a potted plant?

They will disturb the roots by their movement and so will restrict the growth.

What takes in food from the soil and helps enrich the soil?


How do you use the word enrich in a sentence?

Sample sentence-- To enrich bread, vitamins and nutrients are added to it. I add fertilizer to my plant so it can enrich it's growth.

Why are earthworms said to be a gardeners best friend?

Earthworms enrich the soil with their waste, providing it with much needed nutrients.

How does an earthworm improve plant growth?

Earthworms eat minerals out of the ground. Their fecal matter (body waste) is rich in things that plants need for growth.

What do earthworms do for the planet?

birds, fish, turtles, salamanders, and raccoons eat them.

How does oil affect earthworms?

Earthworms are an important part of the soil environment, and the growth of plants. Oil is deadly to earthworms.

What is soil aeration?

It is the ability of the soil to have air that makes it favourable for plant growth. The earthworms do alot in aerating the soil through digging the holes into the soil where air will pass .