

How do emperor penguins hatch their eggs?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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7y ago

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They put the egg on their feet, then they cover it with a fold of skin on their bellies.

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Q: How do emperor penguins hatch their eggs?
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How the emperor penguin eggs hatch?

emperor penguin's eggs hatch in the fathers pouch.

When do emperor penguins eggs hatch?

after about 1-2 years after a mommy penguin and a daddy penguin have special loving time

How do penguins produce baby penguins?

The female penguin lays eggs. Then the baby penguins hatch from the eggs.

How do penguins get their young?

They hatch eggs

Do penguins have live birth or hatch?

Well, penguins are birds. So they obviously hatch from eggs.

Why do male Emperor penguins not lay eggs?

Key word there: Male. Females lay eggs. On rare occasions in nature, like penguins and seahorses, males hatch them. It's the way God made genders

How are the penguins born?

Penguin chicks hatch from eggs.

How do emperor penguins breed?

They lay eggs

Can penguins eggs touch ice?

Penguins' feet are where eggs are hatched, covered by the belly flap of fat that the penguin parents flop over the top of the egg to keep it warm. Notably, Emperor Penguin males hatch eggs this way, so the females can trek off to open water to feed.

Do penguins reproduce sexually?

Yes, penguins reproduce sexually. The female penguins lay eggs which the male penguins tend to until they hatch.

Are there girl emperor penguins?

yes they do.With out girl penguins there would be no eggs and chicks or any penguins at all

Is the Emperor Penguin a mammal?

The Emperor penguin is not a mammal, it is like all other birds and penguins.