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When heating a substance the substance's molecules gain kinetic energy, this leads to chemical bonds being broken and thus a change of state.

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Q: How do energy and changes in energy change the state of matter?
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What can changes energy?

Energy can change state of matter. Heat can be used to melt ice.

How can you Chang matter from one state to anther?

Matter is nothing just a form of energy. So,either adding or removing energy,we can change the state of a matter. example:- ICE is in solid state, if we apply heat energy, it melts and changes to liquid form. Again if we apply heat energy,that liquid will change to vapour form.

How do energy changes affect matter?

Assuming you mean changes of state i.e. solid to liquid, then if energy is supplied to matter then the particles or atoms move faster as they gain kinetic energy. This causes the bonds between the atoms to break, allowing the particles to flow over each other, as in a liquid. Like matter, energy is never created or destroyed in chemical reactions. Or: Every chemical change in matter includes a change in energy.

How does energy impact a change of state?

What kind of energy is involved when the matter changes state?

How and why matter changes state?

the factors that effect the state of matter are:-temperaturepressurethe matter change their state because of the above. if the temperature increases the kinetic energy or the energy to move of the molecules and it tends to move away from each other that results in change of state. if the temperature decreases the kinetic energy decreases which pulls the molecules together and again results in the change of the pressure increases the intermolecular space decreases and thereby changes the state like in the LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) where petrol is pressurized to become liquid.thus we can conclude that the change of state of matter takes place to satisfy the surroundings of the matter.

What state of matter does not change in volume?

Changes in the states of matter - or phase changes - do entail changes in volume.

What is absorbed or released when matter changes from one state to another?

yes. Matter can change state when thermal energy is absorbed or released.

A physical change occurs when matter changes state?

no physical change does not change matter

Does a physical change occurs when matter changes state?

no physical change does not change matter


The thing that changes during a change of state is the intermolecular forces are disrupted. The temperature will not change because all of the energy is going into disrupting or organizing the intermolecular forces.

Does changes in a state of matter involve a physical change?

A chaqnge of the state of matter is allways a physical change.

How does matter change from one state to a other?

Matter changes state via the addition or subtraction of thermal energy. For instance, Ice melts into water, water boils into steam.