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Q: How do enzymes like Amylase speed up digestion?
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What is the method enzymes speed up chemical reactions?

amylase speed up chemical reaction by reacting with your stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) this breaks down the food to help speed up the digestion. WOULD YOU LIKE A MINT? AINT NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT...

Is digestion carried out by enzymes?

yes,digestion is carried out by enzymes like gastric juices sch as pepsin.

What do enzymes help digestion?

Enzymes are involved in the digestion of all types of foods except, of course, the foods that cannot be digested (like cellulose).

Is Alkaline Phosphate a CYP450 enzyme?

No. Enzymes always end in '-ase.' Like amylase.

Does the liver secrete amylase?

no, amylase in found in the mouth in saliva, it breaks down starch.

What is amylase associated with?

Amylase is an enzyme. Almost all enzymes end with -ase. This enzyme works on complex carbohydrates to simple carbohydrates like sugars.

Does amylase use cellulose as a substrate?

No, amylase does not use cellulose as a substrate. Amylase is an enzyme that breaks down starch into simple sugars like maltose and glucose. Cellulose is a complex carbohydrate that requires other enzymes, like cellulase, for its breakdown.

What are the steps involved in breaking down of food?

By enzymes in your body fluds

Why the digestion of food is a chemical change?

Yes, digesting an egg is definitely a chemical change. When an egg is digested, its proteins are broken down into amino acids, and its fats are also broken down. These chemical changes, as well as others, mean that digesting an egg is a chemical change.

What role does alpha amylase have in the process of digestion?

Alpha amylase is an enzyme that breaks down long chain carbohydrates in the starch chain during digestion. Technically speaking, it hydrolyses alpha-bonds of large alpha-linked polysaccharides like starch and glycogen, producing glucose and maltose. It is most present in the saliva, where digestion actually begins, and pancreatic juice.

What enzyme begins the breakdown of starch? in the saliva is known as Ptyalin.Humans have this enzyme in their saliva, but some mammals, like horses, dogs, and cats, do not.Ptyalin begins carbohydrate and polysaccharide digestion in the mouth; the process is completed in the small intestine by the pancreatic amylase, sometimes called amylopsin.dextrin

Where does saliva digest?

Saliva digests carbohydrate. Saliva contains a carbohydrase enzyme called amylase, which breaks down carbohydrates. Amylase is also produced later on in the digestive system and so the amylase here is immaginatively termed salivary amylase.Saliva contains the enzyme amylase (here it is called called salivary amylase) which is responsible for part of the digestion of carbohydrates like starch.