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(starch) to maltose


maltose to glucose


(of) Glycosidic bonds

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1mo ago

Enzymes in the digestive system, like salivary amylase and pancreatic amylase, break down starch into simpler sugars like glucose through a process called hydrolysis. This makes the sugars easier to absorb in the small intestine. The breakdown of starch by these enzymes is essential for efficient digestion and absorption of nutrients.

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Q: What is the role of the enzymes of the digestive system in the complete breakdown of starch?
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What do digestive enzymes do to starch?

the digestive enzymes turn the starch in to sugar!

Does the pancreas breakdown fats and carbs?

The digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas help to break down fats, proteins and starch molecules.

What is broken down starch called?

Glucose. Starch is broken down into glucose by enzymes in our digestive system.

Which part of the digestive system begins the breakdown of starch to suger?

amylase enzyme

What do digestive enzymes split starch into?

Digestive enzymes break down starch into smaller molecules called maltose, which is a disaccharide composed of two glucose molecules. This process begins in the mouth with the enzyme amylase and continues in the small intestine with enzymes like maltase and sucrase.

What part of the body has enzymes that begins the process of breaking down starch molecules?

The salivary glands have an enzyme called amylase that begins the breakdown of starch.

What does the breakdown of protein and starch produce?

The breakdown of protein produces amino acids, which are used for various bodily functions such as building muscle and enzymes. The breakdown of starch produces glucose, which is a source of energy for the body.

What organ is needed to digest starches and protein?

Your mouth begins digesting starch. Saliva contains enzymes that help digest starch. Then when food enters your small intestine, other enzymes help digest starch. In your large intestine, bacteria help you digest starch.

What parts of the digestive system does starch pass through?

Starch primarily passes through the mouth and small intestine in the digestive system. In the mouth, chewing and saliva start the digestion process by breaking down starch into smaller molecules. In the small intestine, enzymes continue to break down starch into glucose for absorption into the bloodstream.

What enzymes are needed for pasta?

Amylase breaks down carbohydrates, starches, and sugars. Pasta is a form of starch and the breakdown of starch begins in the mouth.

Why is there little or no digestion of starch in the stomach A. mucus inhibits starch breakdown B Stomach enzymes are dysfunctional C should not be eaten with protein D. salivary enzymes don't work?

The answer is B

What digestive materials are introduced by saliva?

Water to help with chewing Enzymes that break down starch