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your eye takes the light and makes objects more vibrant using the light.

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because they need to!!

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Q: How do eyes give us the sense of sight?
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What is the sense that enables us to see?

sense of sight..

Why is it hard to keep your balance with your eyes closed?

our sense of sight is very essential. if we cannot see things it will be very difficult for us to do things easily we might meet an accident except for those people who has a very strong sense and instinct

What is the function of sensory?

Is to help us to stay in contact with the outside environment and also to protect us from harmfully situations, examples: sense of sight, olfactory sense, sense of taste, tactile sense and auditory sense.

Which of the 5 senses provides the most information about your environment?

The sense of sight provides the most information about the environment. It allows us to perceive the shape, color, size, and movement of objects around us. Our eyes can gather a large amount of visual information quickly, allowing us to navigate and interact with our surroundings effectively.

Do eyes give out light?

No, our eyes does not give out light. Only light comes in to our eyes allowing us to see.

Do your eyes give out light?

No, our eyes does not give out light. Only light comes in to our eyes allowing us to see.

Why do cristians describe god as the light?

The primary human sense is sight, and light is a good thing since it allows us to use our sight and increase our knowledge and security.

Does visible light destroy your eyes?

This question can best be answered by means of the logical technique known as "reductio ad absurdum." Assume that the hypothesis of the question is true, and see where that assumption leads us. Assume that visible light destroys human eyes. If true, almost everyone must lose their sight during the course of their lifetime, and almost everyone would be blind at the time of their death. The onset of blindness would be a fact of life, just like loss of strength,hair, and teeth. Since this is not the case, the assumption is false and visible light does not destroy human eyes or the sense of sight.

How do uv rays affect humans?

it can burn us and give us skin cancer. We can burn our eyes, skin and lips

Do women really have eyes on the back of their heads?

No we just have a sense that something is coming toward us even if we dont see them it is weird.

Technology is it helpful to us give more answer?

This question makes no sense, if you want an answer please rephrase it.

How far can a bumble bee see?

The bumble bee does not have a very long range of sight. On average they can see distances of 700 nanometers.