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They rubb their heads on other male or female ducks (depending on bi or straight)

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12y ago

They're ducks.

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Q: How do female ducks show they like another duck?
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After you have one female duck for a year can you put another duck with her?

Yes, ducks like company, just watch them for a few minutes after introduction to make sure they get along ok.

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If you didn't count the ducks that you saw in line but you do remember that one duck was in front of two ducks another duck behind two ducks and another duck between two ducks How many ducks did yo se?

You think 4 would be enough?Like that:DDDDNo!We need 5.Like this:..D...D.D.D...DYou need one more duck here to complete the V formation. Ducks always fly in V formation...

What walks like a duck acts like a duck looks like a duck but is not a duck?

Wild wood ducks which are Actually part of the geese family so are not ducks but look, walk, act and make the same sound as ducks

What is the male duck?

In English there are no masculine or feminine forms. English uses gender specific nouns for male or female.The noun for a male duck is drake; the noun for a female duck is hen or duck.

Facts about the labrador duck?

They taste like chicken!

What makes ducks kill other ducks?

Their duck like abilities.

How do you walk like a duck?

walk ducks

How can you tell the difference in a male duck and a female duck?

A male duck is called a drake. A female duck is not called a drake (duck or hen)Drakes (male ducks) of most breeds have a 'drake feather' on top of their tale, a feather that looks like it has been curled with curling tongs... The markings of drakes are different than those of the ducks in most breeds.

How do you say walk like a duck?

walk ducks

If there is one duck behind a duck one duck in front of a duck one ducke in between a ducktwo ducks behind a duck two ducks in front of a duck how many ducks are there?

There are four ducks: (in a single file row)The front two ducks are "in front of two ducks"; the rear two ducks are "behind two ducks"; and the central two ducks are between the duck at the front and the duck at the end, hence they are "between two ducks".

What is a ducks family life like?

Ducks go in water and do duck stuff either with family or without.