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As in any other mammalian species, the pig eliminates wastes through the umbilical cord, and then the mother's vascular system moves it back into her bloodstream. From there it is metabolized in her liver/kidneys. It all happens through the bloodstream until the pig is born and his own digestive system and kidneys kick in.

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pigs breathe by their nose.

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Through the placenta and umbilical cords.

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Q: How does a fetal pig eliminate metabolic wastes?
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Why does a fetal pig have a large liver?

The function of the liver is the remove toxins and metabolic wastes from the body. Fetal pigs have large livers because this function is important early on in life.

What differences in fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes account in a pig?

Humans and pigs both use the umbilical cord for fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes. Both send the waste back to the mother through the umbilical cord and then the mother excretes the waste.

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The pathway of metabolic waste from the aorta to the outside of the body of a fetal pig begins in the aorta. The abdominal aorta, renal arteries, and bladder excrete the waste to the outside of the fetal body.

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What is the function of the kidney in a fetal pig?

One of the functions is to remove nitrogenous wastes from the blood. Most nitrogenous wastes are produced in the liver.As in the piglet after birth, the fetal kidney is responsible for filtering waste products from the blood and excreting them to the outside environment.

Are pig stomach high in cholesterol?

Pig's stomachs are high in cholesterol. Cholesterol is an important element in the digestive system for eliminating metabolic wastes and other chemicals.

What organ fliters out an ddestroys dead blood cells in a fetal pig?

The organ in the adult pig that removes cell wastes from the blood is the kidneys. The kidneys are a vital organ in pigs.

What is a rostrum of a fetal pig?

the rostrum is the snout of a fetal pig

What are the characteristics in the fetal pig?

There are many characteristics found in a fetal pig. Fetal pigs generally have all of the characteristics of an adult pig.

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The epididymis in a fetal pig is responsible for producing sperm. It is located on one testicle in the fetal pig.

What differences in fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes account for the structural differences beteen pigs and humans?

There isn't a difference in fetal elimination of nitrogenous wastes between a pig and a human. Both send the waste back to the mother through the umbilical cord where the mother excretes the waste.

In a fetal pig what is the main function of the cranium?

The cranium of a pig serves to protect the brain from damage. However, in a fetal pig it has no purpose since a fetal pig is an unborn pig used for dissecting purposes.