

How do fizzy drinks fizz?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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12y ago

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The carbonic acid decomposes, causing water and carbon dioxide - you see the carbon dioxide as bubbles.

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Related questions

What causes drinks to fizz?

The carbonation in fizzy drinks cause them to fizz.

What are chemicals in fizzy drinks?

The fizz in the drinks are from carbon dioxide.

Why do fizzy drinks rise when freezer?

its all the fizz

What is responsible for the fizz found in Fizzy drinks?


What makes the fizz in fizzy drinks?

Carbon Dioxide

Are fizzy drinks fizzy in space?

Fizzy drinks are not fizzy in space as there is no oxygen to fizz the bubbles. The fizz in fizzy drinks is carbon dioxide coming out. In a vacuum the liquid would "boil" because of the water vapour coming out, and would probably freeze because of all the heat removed with it. Oxygen plays no role in this at all.

Why do fizzy drinks have acid in them?

Fizzy drinks have carbonic acid which produces the carbon dioxide that makes the drinks fizz; they also usually have phosphoric acid, for flavor.

What gas is used to put fizz into fizzy drinks?

Carbon dioxide.

What makes up the chemicals in fizz?

Fizz in fizzy drinks is dissolved carbon dioxide (CO2) coming out of solution. That's all that is in fizz.

How does carbon dioxide make drinks fizzy?

The gas dissolves when under pressure in a liquid. When the pressure is released the gas expands rapidly causing the fizz.

Why is soda unhealthy?

Soda is unhealthy because it has a large amount of sugar- that is to make drinks fizzy and match the type. It depens on how much sugar there are in other fizzy drinks. However, if you drink soda or any other fizz drinks too much, it is VERY unhealthy I hope this had helped :-)

Is nitrogen in fizzy drinks?

No. Fizzy drinks contain carbon dioxide.