

How do flagella differ from cilia in eukaryotic cell?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Flagella are long whip like structures that the organism has only one or two of.

Cilia are numerous hair like structures that cover most of the organisms surface.

Both impart locomotion to the organism.

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Q: How do flagella differ from cilia in eukaryotic cell?
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What kind of cell are cilia and flagella in?

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Where are cilia and flagella found?

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The motility of a eukaryotic cell is produced by organs called cilia and flagella.

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There are two main forms of locomotion in a eukaryotic cell. They are cilia and flagella. Both can be found on cells.

What is the function of cilia and the flagella and where are they found?

Flagella is the tail-like piece connected to the Cell Body of certain prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and it functions in locomotion. The Cilia is an organelle found in eukaryotic cells that also project from the cell body. In Eukaryotic Cells the Cilia and Flagella make up a group of organelles called the undulipodia and the Cilia and Flagella are structurally similar.

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Cilia and flagella are the means of locomotion in unicellular organisms. They differ in the numbers found in cell, their sizes and their shapes.

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cilia and flagella

What structures allow for cell movement?

Cilia and flagella

How are flagella similar to cilia in structure and function?

They are used for cell movement.

What are cilia and flagella made up of?

They are composed of microtubules in a "9 + 2" array, similar to centrioles but with two additional microtubules in the center.