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Q: How do fleas get in a house when there is no animal?
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Related questions

Can you get fleas from a friends house?

yes if they have a dog or a cat or any other animal with fur that has fleas

What are the best ways to control fleas?

The best way to control fleas is to make sure that the animal is clear of fleas before you clear the fleas in the house. Then use botanical acid mixed with borate acid to clear then from the house.

What British animal has the most fleas?

what british animal has most fleas

If you had fleas will they inhabit your house?

Yes, if you or your pets have had fleas, the fleas will infest your house unless you exterminate them with insecticide.

Can your chicks get fleas from your house?

Yes if you have fleas in your you have itchy ankles?

Do dachshunds get fleas?

Yes, all animal can get fleas.

Which animal do not get fleas why?

Any animal that does not have fur because fleas can't lay their eggs in feathers can they?

Who mostly has fleas on Animal Crossing wild world?

There is no predetermination for when an animal gets the fleas. The chance of an animal getting the fleas is completely random. Take it as a hunch though, I think the lazy type neighbors might get fleas the most often.

Which animal does not have fleas?

A pig

Are there fleas in the Arctic?

Yes, there are fleas in Alaska. The fleas can be on house pets such as dogs and cats. Fleas can also be on wild animals such as bears.

How do you get rid of fleas on the animal?

You can get rid of fleas on an animal by giving it chewable tablets or using topical treatments. You should also vacuum the carpet.

Does fleas go to house to house by people?

Yes but they also travel by pets. The pet can then jump onto a human and after that, whatever the human who has the fleas touches, the fleas will be on too. Fleas mate very quickly so you need to isolate anything or anyone who has the fleas and then get rid of them.