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Q: How do fly on Poptropica?
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to fly

Where is early Poptropica?

Early poptropica is on the Poptropica map. You fly there in the Poptropica blimp.

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you click

How do you get to the asteroid in Poptropica?

fly southeast

How can you fly everywere on Poptropica?

you cant fly everywhere on poptropica but if you capture 5 prisoners and then go to the telaphone booth on super power island you will have the ability to fly but only on that island.

Can you fly on any island on Poptropica?

You can fly with the JETPACK on Early Poptropica. You can fly after capturing five supervillains on Super Power Island. Unfortunately, these abilities work only on their respective islands.

How do you get to Posideans Beach on Poptropica?

just fly it

Can you fly on Poptropica besides early Poptropica and super power island?

why when i try ctrl+shift+F5 on poptropica but cannot

On poptropica can you fly on 24 carrot island?

It is not possible for a person to fly on 24 Carrot Island on Poptropica. A person will only be able to jump on this level.

Is there a code that can make you fly on poptropica without going on super power island?

No, but another thing that will make you fly is the jetpack. You get it at the aircraft graveyard on early poptropica.