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If you are talking about feces in the tank, you will have to remove that manually. If you are talking about shedding their old skin, they release mucus out of their nostrils and spread it over their body and then proceed to consume it.

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they absorb it with there skin.

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Q: How do frogs drink water to survive?
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Do frogs drink water?

No, frogs do not drink water. Frogs absorb water through their skin.

Do Green Tree Frogs drink water?

Yes, every living creaure needs water to be able to survive :)

What do frogs drink?

they drink water

Why don't frogs drink water?

Frogs don't need to drink water they can absorb it through their skin.

Why is water important to amphibians?

first of all frogs reproduce in water. they also need water to drink, but instead of swallowing the water frogs absorb it into their skin.

What do baby frogs drink?


How do you give baby frogs water?

To give baby frogs water you just put them in the water and they will drink it

Do frogs swim in oceans?

frogs survive only in fresh water so no

What fizzy drink do frogs drink?

Frogs do not drink fizzy drinks. In fact, they don't really "drink" at all. They absorb water through their skin.

Why frogs usually not seen in hot season?

Frogs are usually not around in the hotter months of the year because they are amphibians. This means that, while they can live on land, they spend at least a significant portion of their lives in the water. Frogs need to remain moist in order to survive. Not only do they need to drink water, but they need a moist environment to survive. Also, frogs lay their eggs in water and tadpoles (the hatched frog spawn) can't survive on land. This means that frogs tend to hide out during the hot months (either in bodies of water or some of them by burrowing in mud) and wait for rain.

What do northern leopard frogs drink?

Becuase Northern Leopard Frogs are an amphibian and live in swamps they should drink water.

Why do frogs drink water?

They absorb it threw their skin