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It depends on their mood. If they are grumpy, they can bite you (that's if they feel threatened in any way) some domestic geese will just simply let you touch it and could be as friendly to you as a dog.

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Q: How do geese act with people?
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Related questions

Do people eat geese?

Yes, people eat geese. Chinese people especially like to eat geese.

What are some conflicts humans and geese have and how are the geese protected or managed?

The only conflict I am aware of between humans and geese is the poop issue...which to me is ridiculus because all living things have to poop so what do people want the birds to do??? Canadas are protected by the Migratory Bird Act and it is a felony to injure or kill one. The Act is long and detailed and can be found on the Internet. How are they managed? Not humanely. They are allowed to be hunted every Fall.

Can geese have babies with people?

No, that is not possible

What can people provide geese?


What kind of geese is in California?

Canada geese, white-fronted geese, emperor geese, Brant geese, lesser snow geese, Ross geese, and Aleutian geese.

What are facts about geese?

geese fact ...... geese fact ......

How many geese make a gaggle?

It could be more, but 7 is the least amount you need to make a gaggle.

What is a plural geese's?

Geese. Look at the goose! (one goose) Look at the geese! (two geese.

What is a skein of geese?

A skein of geese is a group of geese IN FLIGHT

What can you make with leather in minecraft?

armour, geese people LOOK ON THE WIKI

What is lot of geese called?

A group of geese is called a Gaggle. geese

Is it a gaggle of geese or a litter of geese?

It is a litter of puppies